Looking for a fun run or to join family and friends in a walkathon close to home? The Rotary Club of Innisfil is hosting its first annual Fun Run and Walkathon on Saturday May 23rd from 9am to 12 Noon at the Innisfil Beach Park.Image


There is going to ba a 5k and 10k walk/run with a fun run for Kids ages 7 to 12 years old. Vendors, exhibits, charity BBQ, awards and give-aways for all participants in the event. All money raised for the event will be going to help build and maintain the Innisfil Rotary Trail. This multipurpose walking and biking trail will be developed as well as a Living Classroom where our students will be able to learn about our local ecosystem. 

The event will run come rain or shine and we are expecting it to be a great event. To learn more you can contact the Rotary Cllub of Innisfil by email rotaryinnisfil@gmail.com or you can go online to register at www.raceroster.com/5167.

We look forward to seeing you there!